Adding providers

Adding a custom provider is similar to using overrides, although you’ll be using a JSON file, per provider or with all your custom providers, unless you add them all in your custom, which also works.

To add a provider, simply create a file with the .json extension under the providers folder in your userdata, ie. as ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/script.quasar.burst/providers/nice_provider.json, and make sure it follows the format below (hopefully with "subpage": false):

    "1337x": {
        "anime_extra": "",
        "anime_keywords": "{title} {episode}",
        "anime_query": "EXTRA",
        "base_url": "",
        "color": "FFF14E13",
        "general_extra": "",
        "general_keywords": "{title}",
        "general_query": "EXTRA",
        "language": null,
        "login_failed": "",
        "login_object": "",
        "login_path": null,
        "movie_extra": "",
        "movie_keywords": "{title} {year}",
        "movie_query": "EXTRA",
        "name": "1337x",
        "parser": {
            "infohash": "",
            "name": "item('a', order=2)",
            "peers": "item(tag='td', order=3)",
            "row": "find_once(tag='body').find_all('tr')",
            "seeds": "item(tag='td', order=2)",
            "size": "item(tag='td', order=5)",
            "torrent": "item(tag='a', attribute='href', order=2)"
        "private": false,
        "season_extra": "",
        "season_extra2": "",
        "season_keywords": "{title} Season {season:2}",
        "season_keywords2": "{title} Season{season}",
        "season_query": "EXTRA",
        "separator": "+",
        "show_query": "",
        "subpage": true,
        "tv_extra": "",
        "tv_extra2": "",
        "tv_keywords": "{title} s{season:2}e{episode:2}",
        "tv_keywords2": ""

Provider fields


The provider’s name as displayed to the user, typically with color.


The color of the provider name using Kodi’s ARGB (alpha-red-green-blue) color format.


The base_url is the part of the provider’s URL that is always found in your browser bar when you visit or more importantly, search the site. It may or may not contain the QUERY part (more on that later); it really only depends on the common part of the different search queries.


Forces a language preference for translations if they’re available, eg. es


Boolean flag to mark this provider as private, see PrivateProviders.


Space separator used in URL queries by this provider, typically %20 for an encoded white-space or +


The most expensive boolean flag, to be avoided as much as possible. This tells Burst that we have no choice but to open each and every link to get to the torrent or magnet link. As it stands, we also waste the torrent (more on that later) definition under parser, which becomes the link to follow, and the page at that link gets automatically processed to find a magnet or torrent link in it.


Second part of the URL after base_url which will contain the QUERY keyword if it’s not already in the base_url. This typically include category parameters specific to each provider, ie. /movies/QUERY


The most confusing part of queries. Those will contain extra parameters, typically categories also, replacing the EXTRA keyword often found in the respective *_query definition, and often simply for the convenience of shorter *_query definitions. Note that this is mostly always just an empty string and not being used.


Keyword definitions for the different search types, with special placeholders like {title} for a movie or TV show title.

List of keyword types

  • {title} Movie or TV show title
  • {year} Release date, typically for movies only
  • {season} Season number. Using {season:2} pads to 2 characters with leading zeros, eg. s{season:2} would become s01 for an episode of season 1.
  • {episode} Episode number, same formatting as {season} with regards to padding, ie. {episode:2}. Typically used with season as such: s{season:2}e{episode:2}


This is the most important part of every provider, and tells Burst how to find torrents within search result pages. The first parser definition to be used is the row, and is also the “parent” to all to the others. It most usually ends with a find_all('tr'), and tells Burst which HTML tags, typically table rows, hold the results we’re interested in. All other parser definitions will then look within each row for their respective information. Each other parser definition tells Burst what HTML tag has its information, for example item(tag='td', order=1) for name tells Burst that the torrent name is in the first table column of each row.

TODO: A more detailed description of parser fields and a tutorial on how to actually create providers will soon be added.

Private providers


The login_path is the part of the URL used for logging in, typically something like "/login.php". This can be found by inspecting the login form’s HTML and taking its action attribute.


The login_object represents the form elements sent to the login_path. For built-in private providers, placeholders are used to replace setting values for the username and password (USERNAME and PASSWORD respectively). Custom providers cannot define new settings, and must therefore put the username and password in the login_object directly.


String that must not be included in the response’s content. If this string is present in the page when trying to login, it returns as having failed and no search queries will be sent.